A layoff can be challenging or not, it totally depends on your situation. If you are a college grad, then it would not be that hard, but if you are a family person, where the whole family is dependent on you, then it is a challenge for you to find a job quickly. In both cases, you need to find the job quickly. 

Here are 10 sequences of steps that might help you to land your dream job in a limited time.

Step 1: Update your resume and cover letter

Make sure your resume and cover letter are up-to-date and reflect your most recent experience and skills. Consider seeking out the help of a professional resume writer if you’re having trouble highlighting your strengths. you can have a few sets of resumes i.e., one set might focus on one skill and another set might focus on different skills. Another might be the common skill resume.

Step 2: Update your Linkedin profile 

Make sure your current title and job descriptions are on your linked profile. Reach out to your professional network and let them know you’re looking for a new opportunity. You never know who might have a lead on a job opening or be able to make an introduction for you.

Additionally, you can buy the linked premium. So that you can have direct access to the recruiters with unlimited message options.

Step 3: Deep dive into the Growth zone

Step out of your comfort zone during layoffs and consider new job opportunities in industries or roles you may have previously overlooked. This can lead to exciting career growth and development. You can start going to meet-ups where you will be gathering and sharing information with people.

Step 4: Start Reconnecting with old colleagues

Just remember that “Network is the net worth”. Stay connected with old colleagues during a layoff to potentially uncover new job opportunities. These professional connections can provide valuable insights and support as you navigate the job search process. You need to start threads with your old colleagues and share your resumes. 

This article might help you! -> How to Maintain your Network

For example, I got a surprise call from an ex-colleague and he invited me for coffee at Starbucks,  where he was discussing his situation at a personal level. He asked me to refer him to my current company. He was pretty lucky and got the job and I got the referral bonus of $5000 (it is based on the title)

Step 5: Start applying for jobs

Don’t let a layoff discourage you from applying for new job opportunities. Stay proactive and use online job search resources, networking, and continuing education to increase your chances of finding a new position. Keep a positive attitude and keep applying until you land your dream job

Tips: The best time to send the job application to the Recruiter is the morning hours of the day. This way, your application would be on top of the HR outlook.

Step 6: Start meditating regularly

Consider starting a meditation practice during a layoff to help reduce stress and improve mental clarity. Meditation can also improve overall well-being and support you in making positive decisions during the job search process.

Step 7: Start Interview preparation

It is totally dependent on your job profile, and which kind of preparation you require. I would be telling you about software jobs. Normally, interviews are focused on 3 different rounds.

  1. Coding Round: Here,  you will be focusing on code development, and you can use some platforms for preparation like Leetcode and GeeksforGeek.
  2. System Design Round: Here, you will be focusing on design aspects. There are a number of YouTube channels that will help you prepare yourself.
  3. Behavior Round: Here,  you will be preparing for your communication aspects. The team might be checking your leadership skills.

 Step 8: Repeat Step 5 and Step 6 and step 7

Repeat Steps 5 and Step 6 until you get the job. I mean that you should put these steps in a while loop until you get the next opportunity. You need to divide the time among these 3 steps on daily basis like 30% (2hrs early morning) for a job application and 10% (1hrs any time) for keeping your body and mind healthy and 60% (5hrs afternoon and night) for interview preparation.

Step 9: Cracked your dream job?

You are here – it means that you are out of step 8 and are having an offer. It’s a great time to congratulate yourself and celebrate your success with friends and family. If not, keep a positive attitude and don’t give up until you land your dream job and go to Step 5 again.

Step 10: Get ready with your reference list 

You might be required to provide references to prove your technical and behavioral skills. These references can be a valuable asset during the job search process and can help you stand out to potential employers. Reach out to past colleagues, supervisors, or clients and ask if they would be willing to serve as a reference for you.

In conclusion

Remember, you are still a valuable and strong player for yourself and the world. Don’t throw away your confidence, it isn’t the end of your professional life. This minor setback can lead to stress and anxiety, or even depression. But, once you start with these 10 best-sequenced steps, then you have a fairly strong chance to land your dream jobs quickly.

Hi, I am InvestMoney. Welcome to my online home. I run a popular finance blog called Investmoneygrow. I share my analysis and insights on the latest financial news, investing, personal finance, career development, leadership, and trends. What I write on my Investmoneygrow blog is my practical experience. Follow InvestMoney on Twitter at @Investmoney2gro for financial tips and advice.